Guest Book

Class Profiles


The Year 1972



About This Site



Prior Lake High School

About This Site

So, why did I decide to build a Web site for our class back in 2006?

I had been thinking about it for a few years.  It didn't appear that there was any central place where our class could go for information on reunions and other events.  There were many sites doing this type of thing generically back then, but it didn't look like there was anywhere out there where a large number of us had posted information - a common denominator, so-to-speak.  Then something occurred that re-kindled this desire in my heart.  I learned that Perky had passed away and it had been over a year past.  I had tried calling her only a month or so before learning about her passing and her voice was still on their answering machine.  Not knowing she was gone, I left a message.  It was later that I learned what had happened.

Not long after that, I decided to revisit the idea of a Web site and called Barb Kroyer (Friedges) to ask her if she or anyone she still keeps in contact with had seen anything already existing online.  She hadn't, so I decided to start something.

Site Status and Upcoming Changes

There will not likely be any more major updates to this site.  There are a lot more options available now than there were back when I built this and regularly updated it.  I'll leave it up for reference for a while though, and for the info and documents that are on here.

About the site elements and design

I tried to use as many elements as possible that were key elements of graduating Prior Lake High School in 1972.  As you can see, the left margin is based on the cover of our 1972 year book and the graphic at top left is a scan of the cover.  The graphic at top right was captured from our diplomas, and of course the tassel from our graduation caps is on the right.  The image in the middle of the page is an aerial view of Prior Lake.